Submission and Author Guidelines:
- Papers should be original and not published anywhere
- Proceeding peer review policy: Click Here
- Author guidelines for paper preparation and template: Click Here
- Submit your paper online
All papers will go through peer review process being accepted for the publication. All the accepted papers for the conference will be published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE).
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) proceedings are indexed in SCOPUS, as well as EI COMPENDEX and INSPEC.
Methodology for Paper Presentation
- Paper should be presented in virtual platform.
- According to the pre- informed schedule, the speaker will be required to present a paper live through the screen share option as per the stipulated time.
- Time allotted: 7 minutes/paper (5 minutes for the presentation & 2 minutes for Q&A).
- The presentation slides should be sent, 2 days prior to virtual conference.