The International Virtual Conference on Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy is a platform for researchers, academics as well as professionals from all over the world to present, discuss and promote advances in knowledge, research, and practice in the field of control and automation towards the creation of smart city. IVC- RAISE 2020 is offering a fantastic opportunity to attend a global scientific forum from the convenience of your desktop. No travelling, no hotel expenses, no time away from the office. The conference runs fully online, from paper submission, including reviewing, conference discussion, and post-conference processing. All papers will be referred to the double tier approval process, and blind peer review. The online conference is a smart and affordable manner of presenting research results.
The proceeding will serve as a reference tool to understand the real world problems existing in the present environment and its corresponding solutions to alleviate such problems in the diversified domain of Engineering and Technology. The readers can experience the current research focus areas pertaining to Robotics, Automation, Intelligent Systems and Energy under the category of review, simulation, analysis, algorithmic procedures, experimental investigation and qualitative assessments.
The primary audience of the proceeding ranges from undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral students to researchers, academicians, industry professionals and practitioners. For the wide range of audience, the proceeding will satisfy their knowledge thirst in terms of providing multiple research avenues for the enrichment of technical aspects in bringing the smart world into reality.